The second novel in The Tamir Triad trilogy loses none of the charm of the first. In fact, it makes an already intriguing world downright amazing. I loved how the characters are developed and the faint stirrings of romance between the two main characters promises that the conclusion to the trilogy will pack a punch in more than one way. So the pace continued in its languid manner and I'm not gonna lie, I did for a minute or two wish they could just hurry up and get the reveal over with. However, at the end of the novel I was glad that Flewelling took the time she did because it has more momentum when it happens the way it did. I was surprised by how Korin's character was developed and I thought that Flewelling's careful attention to the grey in a person's character was well done. The novel is populated by such wonderful characters that I wouldn't mind reading all their individual stories. There's Lutha and Nikides, Una, Ahra - it is actually an awesome compliment from me (ahem ahem) that I remember the names of the characters in the book because usually I don't even remember the name of the main character. And this book won my love by having cats being mini characters. I am a cat person (future cat lady? ha) and Flewelling's portrayal of the felines was entertaining. Of course, on the other side of it, Niryn became slimier than ever. What is he doing with that Nalia? Okay, I'll stop pretending this is a review because honestly, I just want to talk about the book. I thought that Tobin going naked in front of all those people took balls he didn't have. I understood why it had to be done and I don't even have to any trouble with it. I just thought it interesting.Oh also, I hope Flewelling keeps Tobin/Tamir as ordinary as possible and not, you know, on a pedestal. That would interfere with the original dynamic too much and I don't know...I kinda like it the way it is right now. I am not looking forward to see what that wizard has up his sleeve but I am looking forward to seeing how Ki copes with a female best friend.